Provect-"EBR®" - In Situ Generator of Reactive Oxidants
EBR® (US patent 9,975,156 B2) is a subsurface, electrokinetic system that continually generates within a reactor well (see inset) Fenton’s-like reagents and dissolved oxygen in a controlled manner, at neutral pH, and without the addition of exogenous chemicals. These colloidal (nanoscale) catalytic and reactive reagents are uniquely propagated via multiple mechanisms outside of the reactor wells (spaced ca. 4 to 7 m apart) into the aquifer. Provect-“EBR®” is a field-proven system that effectively integrates ISCO, microbiological, and geophysical mechanisms to treat contaminated aquifers.
Targeted constituents of interest (COIs) are destroyed via multiple oxidation reactions and accelerated biodegradation using oxygen and iron as the preferred electron acceptors. Accordingly, the technology has been be used to rapidly mineralize chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons and MTBE. It has near-future applications for perchlorate, 1,4-dioxane, pharmaceuticals and - potentially - other challenging contaminants such as fluorinated compounds.
The treatment systems are monitored real-time and controlled/adjusted remotely via a user-friendly dashboard interface. The software will also compile data, generate reports, and issue programmed alarms. As such, the technology is a cost-effective, low-profile full remediation system for the rapid mineralization of various organic COIs present in aquifer media.
E. Elgressy Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Electrochemical systems: Chemical free technologies at the forefront of technological innovation, research and development. Elgressy systems provide enhanced water treatment, Groundwater and soil remediation without using chemical products that are reliable and efficient. Low operation and maintenance costs. Reduced water consumption. Recyclable wastewater.
- Provect-EBR: Quantum Advancement in ISCO Technology By Troy Lizer - Focused Remediation Seminars Virtual Webinar | December 7th, 2021
- New Integrated Biogeochemical/Electrochemical Method for Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater [Abstract] - By Elie Elgressy, and Gil Elgressy (E. Elgressy, Netania, Israel), Raphi Mandelbaum, and Gal Mandelbaum (LDD Advanced Technologies, Petach Tiqva, Israel), Jim Mueller (Provectus Environmental, Freeport, IL, USA) - Battelle 2019 Bioremediation Symposium | April 15-18, 2018 Baltimore, Maryland
- New Integrated Biogeochemical/Electrochemical Method for Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater [Presentation] - By Elie Elgressy, and Gil Elgressy (E. Elgressy, Netania, Israel), Raphi Mandelbaum, and Gal Mandelbaum (LDD Advanced Technologies, Petach Tiqva, Israel), Jim Mueller (Provectus Environmental, Freeport, IL, USA) - Battelle 2019 Bioremediation Symposium | April 15-18, 2018 Baltimore, Maryland
- Recent electrochemical methods in electrochemical degradation of halogenated organics: a review by Meng Zhang1 & Qin Shi1,3 & Xiaozhe Song1 & Hui Wang1 & Zhaoyong Bian2 [Environmental Science and Pollution Research - February 2019]
- Charging and discharging at the nanoscale: Fermi level equilibration of metallic nanoparticles By Miche´al D. Scanlon, Pekka Peljo, Manuel A. M´endez, Evgeny Smirnova and Hubert H. Girault [The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015]
- Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology By A. Revil, C. A. Mendonc¸a, E. A. Atekwana, B. Kulessa, S. S. Hubbard, and K. J. Bohlen1 [JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115. 2010]
- Ionic contribution to the self-potential signals associated with a redox front By A. Revil, F. Trolard, G. Bourrié, J. Castermant, Abderrahim Jardani, and C.A. Mendonça [Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 109. 2009]
- Redox Electrocatalysis of Floating Nanoparticles: Determining Electrocatalytic Properties without the Influence of Solid Supports By Pekka Peljo, Micheál D. Scanlon, Astrid J. Olaya, Lucie Rivier, Evgeny Smirnov, and Hubert H. Girault [The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2017]
- Lasagna Soil Remediation - U.S. Department of Energy Cylinder Drop Test Area Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Paducah, Kentucky [U.s. Dept. of Energy - 1996]
- A Review Article: Electrokinetic Bioremediation Current Knowledge and New Prospects By Ikrema Hassan, Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan, Ernest K. Yanful, Ze-Chun Yuan [Scientific Researh Publishing: Advances in Microbiology. 2016]
- Core−Shell Structure Dependent Reactivity of Fe@Fe2O3 Nanowires on Aerobic Degradation of 4‑Chlorophenol By Zhihui Ai, Zhiting Gao, Lizhi Zhang, Weiwei He, and Jun Jie Yin [Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013]
- Principles of Electrokenetic Remediation By YALCIN G. ACAR, AKRAM N. ALSHAWABKEH - Louisiana State University [Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993]
- 2018 Conference by the Water Authority
- 2017 סיכום פעולות למניעת זיהום מקורות מים מדלקים